You may download the MARC records below to include them in your library's OPAC system (Online Public Access Catalog).

If you have any problems downloading or using these MARC records, please contact Tech Support at 800-368-6868 x188.

The Library of Congress provides additional information about MARC records.

Instructions for MARC Record Retrieval
Download MARC records for the following products:
Social Studies Databases

Schools Editions (all 18 databases in one file)
American Government
American History
World at War
United States Geography
World Geography
World History: Ancient
World History: Modern
African American Experience
American Indian Experience
Latino American Experience
Daily Life through History
Pop Culture Universe
World Religions
Modern Genocide
Health & Wellness Issues
Asian American Experience
Women's History in the United States
Academic Editions (all 16 databases in one file)
American Government
American History
World at War
World Geography
World History: Ancient
World History: Modern
African American Experience
American Indian Experience
Latino American Experience
Daily Life through History
Pop Culture Universe
World Religions
Modern Genocide
Asian American Experience
Women's History in the United States

Professional Development

School Library Connection & ReVIEWS+ (Suite Edition)

Other Databases

World Folklore and Folklife
Praeger Security Online International (PSIO)
PSIO Update

HRO Collection Update

HRO Complete June 2023